Monday, January 25, 2010

I Am Unique And I Love it!

I surround myself in beauty. I love beautiful things. And, I am attracted to beautiful, expensive things. I don’t know why. I just know that’s what I’m attracted to. Over the years, I’ve really come to know what I like and what I don’t like as much, or even at all. I realize beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In other words, what is beautiful to one may or may not be beautiful to another. I also know that beauty is all around us and can be found everywhere—it just depends on what you’re looking for. I believe I am unlimited, and that I can be, do & have anything I want in life. I look at other people and things and I say yes, yes, that and that, no matter the price. I may see a quality in another that I really like and I may want that for myself, so I say yes to that, and that quality may be "generous", and that’s free. Another time, I may see someone driving a car I like, a really expensive car I like, and I say yes. I don’t look at them and say never me, or lucky them. We always have a choice to ask for the button or the castle, and it doesn’t matter which you’ve asked for, the Universe will, and can, deliver either to you, as it is the same process to two different intentions. I love color. I love all colors, but my favorite color of all is pink. And, I love all hues of pink, but my favorite hue is hot pink. I love things to have a shine to them. A shimmer, a glimmer, a sheen, a sparkle always makes me happy. I love mixing colors together in ways that are pleasing to me, not necessarily what others who study colors would refer to as textbook. I’ve noticed too that I go against the norm when it comes to placing mirrors, frames, etc. For instance, if it’s obvious a mirror is supposed to be hung one way because it’s say oval, I’ll purposely hang it the other way. Not because I want to go against the grain, but because that feels right, to me. It was always clear to me, even as I was a young girl, that I knew this about myself, and the one thing that always stood out to me… was that I was different. I wasn’t like everyone else. I wasn’t normal. Well, I’m happy to say that today @ the age of 44, I love that I'm different. I embrace my uniqueness and who I am, and I always come from that place, not caring what others may think or say about me because it’s not about them, it’s about me. It’s all about me! This is my life, and everything, absolutely everything I do is because it makes me (ME) feel good. So, with having said that, I now open my life up to the possibilities of my unique creative capabilities, and I know whatever I create will be totally unique and totally me, and that whatever I create, I have pure faith that the sweet, sweet Universe will bring me all that are attracted to that. There are so many facets to me, and Ohhh, I’m really excited because I can feel something fabulous baking.....

Ooh Lah Lah

Monday, January 18, 2010

If you could wake up as anyone tomorrow, who would it be?

Me, of course! I'm fabulous, plus I've seen what's waiting right around the corner... I'm creating It All, and it's really, really, really, really, really, really good! <3

Are you a morning or night person?

Definitely a night owl. I love sleeping in late, and staying up late. Always have, always will.

Ask me anything