Monday, November 2, 2009

Money With My Name On It, Please.

Isn’t it great that I asked the Universe not too long ago to bring me money with my name on it, & now, I’m starting to see evidence that it is?

After the divorce, I was able to quit my job last year at the beginning of June & take a few months off to just relax & give myself the time to figure out what I’d really like to do. It was absolutely wonderful. Aside from doing some of the things I never thought possible, like horseback riding on a Tuesday afternoon on the beach & going to Paris, France to revel in the magnificence of the Eiffel Tower, I was able to do absolutely nothing & everything all at the same time. Whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I didn’t limit myself at all by any means. I mean, I didn’t go travel the world or buy designer everything, but I had such freedom to do what I wanted when I wanted. I slept in until I was ready to get out of bed & sometimes stayed in bed all day. I went shopping & bought whatever shouted “buy me” whether it was for me or for someone else. I ate at great restaurants, went to the movies, spent lots of time on the deck of my favorite coffee hangout & at the wine bar with my friends, visited family, attended weekend events like weddings, bbq’s, drank lots of good champagne out at the beach while watching sunsets, & drank lots of good champagne, period. SO much fun!!!

Here I am, over a year later, still able to do predominantly whatever I want, whenever I want. I’m a stay@home girl, right now, doing what I enjoy, what makes me feel really good, & what feels most like who I really am. I’m following my bliss, & as I’m following my bliss, doors are opening for me, good stuff is coming my way all the time & life keeps getting better & better all the time.

So, you might be wondering how it is I can stay@home when I have no job because no job basically equals no money, right??? You must have money in the bank that you’re living off of, right??? True, & no. But, stay with me here for a moment because this gets really good. My boyfriend, Zac, has been working for his grandpa for the last 13 years. The business was doing alright, but definitely nothing to write home about. In fact, Zac took home a whopping $15,000 for the last year!! And, I’m dead serious about that. Earlier this year, I was playing around with Zac & trying to see just how open he was at trying to create more business through the Law of Attraction. He was open to listening, but he was quickly losing interest. So, I decided to have a bit of fun with it. I knew Zac liked what he did (he appraises cars), he enjoyed meeting new people, he liked driving, but wanted the opportunity to do the appraisal himself if it was somewhere he wanted to go, or to pass it off to one of his independent contractors. So, I wrote a letter to my Universal Manager asking for more business, more clients who are more than willing to pay top dollar, to make the jobs easy, to give him great places to drive to & to make some of the cars fun cars to look at. It was pretty amazing & he must have been really open because with a few minor changes he did to his website & sending out a FEW letters to insurance agents (which was all inspired within him because I never made any mention to him, he seemed pretty content with how business was), he started receiving so much business, & today, his business is really booming.

I totally realize that the Universe has been taking care of me through flowing money to me through his business. Now, you can agree with me, or not. Doesn’t matter really whether you do or don’t. I do, & that’s what’s most important. We live very comfortably & we are not feeling deprived in any way. However, life is causing me to want my own money with my own name on it, now. Why??? Because, I see myself contributing to our bills, & plus there are SO many things I want to be, do & have… & I just like the freedom the idea of my own money has with it. I know I don’t want a typical 9-5 job. And, I don’t necessarily want to exchange my time for money. I have an idea that if I just continue doing what it is I love, what brings me joy, every day the Universe has to yield to me my desires. It’s Law. I realize I’m doing things differently. I’m never going to amass my fortune doing anything. I’m going to stay here, right where I am, & just appreciate it unendingly. I’m going to let Law of Attraction bring to me my fortune, however it can. I like what Jerry Hicks said when Esther asked him how much money was enough, “as much as I can spend.” I can spend a lot… I have a huge vibrational escrow & I have an unlimited amount of money in there. I think the Universe just basically asks, “Now what?” & it’s our job to answer back.

What’s interesting to me is that we think money can only come if we a) work for it, b) inherit it, or c) win it. But money is just energy. It’s flowing always & it’s just like anything else… what’s your belief about it? That’s usually what determines if money is going to flow into your experience & how it can flow into your experience. Some people believe they have to work for their money, which means they trade time & services for it. And, some people believe their efforts—how hard they work—are what determines the amount of money they can make. Some people believe, the better educated they are, the more money they will make. And, then there’s a whole bunch of other beliefs people have about money, like… it doesn’t grow on trees; money is bad, or the root of all evil; there just isn’t enough; people with money are happier. Well, anyhow, you know because you probably have a bunch of beliefs yourself, maybe some of them like the ones listed.

I just love money. Life is fine without money & life doesn’t get any easier with money, but having more money does allow one more freedoms to do whatever they choose. If you had a bank account with $1,000,000 dollars in it, guaranteed, or a veritable fortune that was held in a sort of vibrational escrow for you, & at any time you saw something you wanted, the money would just flow easily into your physical experience to you, what would you choose? What if you didn’t have to necessarily work hard for your money or even work for your money? I mean, trade your time for money? What if you could live your life doing what you love, what brings you joy, something you feel entirely good while doing, & money just flew into your experience through other resources? Sure, you’re thinking. That sounds good & all, but what exactly are those other resources if it’s not going to come to me through my work, or a job of some sort where I am paid for my time or services I provide? Well, that’s up to the Universe, you, & the desires in which you dream for yourselves that have been carved out of the life you’ve been living. Do you believe that? Could you believe that? If you do, or you are open to the possibilities of it being true, then the Universe, which has about a million different ways to bring you whatever you’re wanting, can, & will. And you say, “Oh, I’ll believe it when I see it.” And, there lies the problem because, my friends, you have to believe it before you see it. And, that’s the truth.

I believe somehow, someway, sooner rather than later, the Universe is bringing me all I need in order to get what it is I want because I’m a deliberate creator, & I say so, & the Universe yields to me. We made that agreement a long, long time ago. Luuvya, Universe! xoxo

Ooh Lah Lah

Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Fabulous Rampage of Appreciation.

I sometimes have to remind myself that I am living a fabulous life. It's not that I doubt it, or that I feel I can't be happy without "my stuff" that's being held for me in my Vibrational Escrow, which is being so very well tended to by my fabulous Inner Being, Joy, if I must say so, myself. It's just that sometimes I am noticing the distance between the life in which I envision for myself "over there", & the one I am living "right here", & I think to myself, "Gosh, life will be so friggen fabulous when I'm over there, I forget to appreciate how fabulous my life is right here, right now. And, that's when a good Ramage of Appreciation is the perfect thing to get me feeling so good that my vibration just soars, & that is where I want to be because the powerful Law of Attraction (LoA) is bringing to me always what I am a vibrational match with. So, here, I thought, would be the perfect place to post my fabulous Rampage of Appreciation (RoA).

I am capable of amazing things! There are so many wonderful ideas brewing inside my head & I know I'm going to create some things fabulous in my lifetime here. I appreciate knowing what I know. Here's what I know.... I am a Deliberate Creator. I live on the Leading Edge of Thought. I am Powerful. I am Magnificent. I am Larger than Life. There are two parts of me: the Physical me, & the Non-physical me. I AM Source Energy. Source Energy creates worlds. Thoughts become things. I was a thought before my physical manifestation. Life is supposed to be fun. Life is supposed to feel good for me. It is supposed to be easy. I came for the contrast because it would cause me to want more, & immediately the larger part of me, Joy, would become the vibrational match to that expansion, & I would catch up, enjoying the journey along the way to the physical manifestation of my desire. And, I would look forward to getting there, ever so joyfully. It's not about getting there. It's about "how" I got there. And, actually, I can't get there without enjoying the journey. Life is a process. It is to be enjoyed. I have faith in the process. The Universe yields to me my every wish. It takes care of the details of the "how", "when", & "where" for me so I just get to relax & enjoy my life. LoA is a powerful Universal Law that is always working. Like attracts like. Before I was born, I was Pure Positive Energy. I am still Pure Positive Energy, but with a physical body & mind to choose, freely, my experiences, & then to enjoy those experiences. Life's basis is freedom. My purpose is joy. I have a built-in GPS, my own personal guidance system, which is in the form of emotions. My emotions let me know always, moment by moment, whether I am moving in the direction of my desire, or not. The better I feel, the closer I am. The worse I feel, the further away I am. This is the "gap" ~ the journey. Resistance is the real cause of all heartache, of all sickness, or disease. Well-being abounds. Well-being is always flowing & I am either allowing or resisting. No two people see the world the same. Two people could walk in a room & they would see different things. Each has their own point of attraction. I've learned all of this. Life became wonder~full when I started focusing on all of it's wonder. There is so much beauty & abundance that surrounds me. I'm always looking at the world through rosie-colored glasses & I often get comments like, "You're crazy.", "You're living in La La Land.", or "Whatever meds you're on, I want some." And, I do feel as if I'm living in La La Land. I am living my very own Fairytale. I am a Princess. I found the Prince. All sorts of fabulous stuff happens to me all the time. I have an incredible life. And, I am living happily everafter. I'll admit...I tell stories. Bonjour, I am a Story Teller! And, I'm telling my story the way I want it to be, Not how it is. Duh, that doesn't create dreams come true. That just creates more of what-is, & what-is will never be enough for a Deliberate Creator, who lives on the Leading Edge of Thought, like me. Uh-uh, not when I can be, do, & have SO much more. And, I want more! Universal Manger, give me more fabulous, please!! Oh, & thank you.... XOXO


Monday, October 12, 2009

My Absolutely Fabulous Life, Now & Evermore!

Oh, where to begin??? I made the grandest decision of my life & ever since then I've been following my bliss. Today, I am writing the story of the abundance of my life & I am telling the story of how I want it to be. I started writing a book, "I Can Have My Cake & Eat It, Too!", & realize I've written as much as I can & the rest is still, well, unwritten. So, that will be resumed at some point in the future & I'll just know when the time is right. Meanwhile, this blog is my way of feeding my desires to tell my story all about me & my journey of following my bliss. I've given myself a profession & that's JOY Seeker, Spreader, Speaker, Writer. I would love to travel all over sharing my JOY. I'm pretty much all about being in my JOY & creating an absolutely fabulous life & letting the rest just effortlessly fall into place.

The cake??? My mom would always say to me, "You can't have your cake & eat it, too!" I just shook my head & always shouted back that I have absolutely no idea what that meant & whatever it meant it implied I couldn't have something & I just never believed that on some level. My mom & I laugh about that today & about how appropriate & relevant the title is to my life. What I'm doing now is using cake to describe the ingedients I want in my life. It's just a fun expression. My Cake is full of JOY, Happiness, Love, Sugar, Magic, Fabulousness AND lots & lotsa Chocolate!♥ I've even named money "cake". So, I'll say I'm gathering up enough cake to go shopping for new shoes, or something like that.

I have lots & lots of ideas baking!! :)

What I'd like to do here is to share my life of deliberate creation with you because, most of all, I want to, & because maybe by my sharing my life with you, it just might cause a spark for you to launch your own rockets of desire for more & become that.


I will leave you with a wonderful excerpt from the book, 'Money & Law of Attraction', written by two of my favorite authors, Esther & Jerry Hicks that has inspired my new career of living happily ever after....

InJOY & have a bliss'd day!

"It is not surprising that so many have a difficult time deciding what they will do for the rest of their lives, because you are multi-faceted Beings and your dominant intent is to enjoy your absolute basis of freedom and, in your quest for joyful experiences, to experience expansion and growth. In other words, without a real perception of freedom, you will never be joyful; and without joy, you cannot experience true expansion. So, childish as it may seem to many, it is natural that your life inspires your next adventure and your next and your next.

We encourage you to decide, as early in life as possible, that your dominant intent and reason for existence is to live happily ever after. That would be a very good career choice: to gravitate toward those activities and to embrace those desires that harmonize with your core intentions, which are freedom and growth--and joy. Make a 'career' of living a happy life rather than trying to find work that will produce enough income that you can do things with your money that will then make you happy. When feeling happy is of paramount importance to you--and what you do 'for a living' makes you happy--you have found the best of all combinations."