Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Fabulous Rampage of Appreciation.

I sometimes have to remind myself that I am living a fabulous life. It's not that I doubt it, or that I feel I can't be happy without "my stuff" that's being held for me in my Vibrational Escrow, which is being so very well tended to by my fabulous Inner Being, Joy, if I must say so, myself. It's just that sometimes I am noticing the distance between the life in which I envision for myself "over there", & the one I am living "right here", & I think to myself, "Gosh, life will be so friggen fabulous when I'm over there, I forget to appreciate how fabulous my life is right here, right now. And, that's when a good Ramage of Appreciation is the perfect thing to get me feeling so good that my vibration just soars, & that is where I want to be because the powerful Law of Attraction (LoA) is bringing to me always what I am a vibrational match with. So, here, I thought, would be the perfect place to post my fabulous Rampage of Appreciation (RoA).

I am capable of amazing things! There are so many wonderful ideas brewing inside my head & I know I'm going to create some things fabulous in my lifetime here. I appreciate knowing what I know. Here's what I know.... I am a Deliberate Creator. I live on the Leading Edge of Thought. I am Powerful. I am Magnificent. I am Larger than Life. There are two parts of me: the Physical me, & the Non-physical me. I AM Source Energy. Source Energy creates worlds. Thoughts become things. I was a thought before my physical manifestation. Life is supposed to be fun. Life is supposed to feel good for me. It is supposed to be easy. I came for the contrast because it would cause me to want more, & immediately the larger part of me, Joy, would become the vibrational match to that expansion, & I would catch up, enjoying the journey along the way to the physical manifestation of my desire. And, I would look forward to getting there, ever so joyfully. It's not about getting there. It's about "how" I got there. And, actually, I can't get there without enjoying the journey. Life is a process. It is to be enjoyed. I have faith in the process. The Universe yields to me my every wish. It takes care of the details of the "how", "when", & "where" for me so I just get to relax & enjoy my life. LoA is a powerful Universal Law that is always working. Like attracts like. Before I was born, I was Pure Positive Energy. I am still Pure Positive Energy, but with a physical body & mind to choose, freely, my experiences, & then to enjoy those experiences. Life's basis is freedom. My purpose is joy. I have a built-in GPS, my own personal guidance system, which is in the form of emotions. My emotions let me know always, moment by moment, whether I am moving in the direction of my desire, or not. The better I feel, the closer I am. The worse I feel, the further away I am. This is the "gap" ~ the journey. Resistance is the real cause of all heartache, of all sickness, or disease. Well-being abounds. Well-being is always flowing & I am either allowing or resisting. No two people see the world the same. Two people could walk in a room & they would see different things. Each has their own point of attraction. I've learned all of this. Life became wonder~full when I started focusing on all of it's wonder. There is so much beauty & abundance that surrounds me. I'm always looking at the world through rosie-colored glasses & I often get comments like, "You're crazy.", "You're living in La La Land.", or "Whatever meds you're on, I want some." And, I do feel as if I'm living in La La Land. I am living my very own Fairytale. I am a Princess. I found the Prince. All sorts of fabulous stuff happens to me all the time. I have an incredible life. And, I am living happily everafter. I'll admit...I tell stories. Bonjour, I am a Story Teller! And, I'm telling my story the way I want it to be, Not how it is. Duh, that doesn't create dreams come true. That just creates more of what-is, & what-is will never be enough for a Deliberate Creator, who lives on the Leading Edge of Thought, like me. Uh-uh, not when I can be, do, & have SO much more. And, I want more! Universal Manger, give me more fabulous, please!! Oh, & thank you.... XOXO


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