Monday, October 12, 2009

My Absolutely Fabulous Life, Now & Evermore!

Oh, where to begin??? I made the grandest decision of my life & ever since then I've been following my bliss. Today, I am writing the story of the abundance of my life & I am telling the story of how I want it to be. I started writing a book, "I Can Have My Cake & Eat It, Too!", & realize I've written as much as I can & the rest is still, well, unwritten. So, that will be resumed at some point in the future & I'll just know when the time is right. Meanwhile, this blog is my way of feeding my desires to tell my story all about me & my journey of following my bliss. I've given myself a profession & that's JOY Seeker, Spreader, Speaker, Writer. I would love to travel all over sharing my JOY. I'm pretty much all about being in my JOY & creating an absolutely fabulous life & letting the rest just effortlessly fall into place.

The cake??? My mom would always say to me, "You can't have your cake & eat it, too!" I just shook my head & always shouted back that I have absolutely no idea what that meant & whatever it meant it implied I couldn't have something & I just never believed that on some level. My mom & I laugh about that today & about how appropriate & relevant the title is to my life. What I'm doing now is using cake to describe the ingedients I want in my life. It's just a fun expression. My Cake is full of JOY, Happiness, Love, Sugar, Magic, Fabulousness AND lots & lotsa Chocolate!♥ I've even named money "cake". So, I'll say I'm gathering up enough cake to go shopping for new shoes, or something like that.

I have lots & lots of ideas baking!! :)

What I'd like to do here is to share my life of deliberate creation with you because, most of all, I want to, & because maybe by my sharing my life with you, it just might cause a spark for you to launch your own rockets of desire for more & become that.


I will leave you with a wonderful excerpt from the book, 'Money & Law of Attraction', written by two of my favorite authors, Esther & Jerry Hicks that has inspired my new career of living happily ever after....

InJOY & have a bliss'd day!

"It is not surprising that so many have a difficult time deciding what they will do for the rest of their lives, because you are multi-faceted Beings and your dominant intent is to enjoy your absolute basis of freedom and, in your quest for joyful experiences, to experience expansion and growth. In other words, without a real perception of freedom, you will never be joyful; and without joy, you cannot experience true expansion. So, childish as it may seem to many, it is natural that your life inspires your next adventure and your next and your next.

We encourage you to decide, as early in life as possible, that your dominant intent and reason for existence is to live happily ever after. That would be a very good career choice: to gravitate toward those activities and to embrace those desires that harmonize with your core intentions, which are freedom and growth--and joy. Make a 'career' of living a happy life rather than trying to find work that will produce enough income that you can do things with your money that will then make you happy. When feeling happy is of paramount importance to you--and what you do 'for a living' makes you happy--you have found the best of all combinations."


  1. I am devouring every crumb of JOY and LOVE from my fabulously rich and creamy CAKE as I ravish your locution!!

  2. I love's as addicting as eating cake! It's all about choices isn't it? Strange how it can all start with a simple question, like, If it's so easy to change how we think and feel, than why don't we?
